The first of my three week apart treatments did not go as planned. Evidently the FEC treatment was stronger than expected and after about day six I was feeling even more fatigued than normal. After speaking to the doctor and checking temperatures it was decided that I should go on into the emergency room here in midland and have them look at my labs. In fact I spent 6 days in the hospital mid-cycle for low white cell count, immunities down to zero. After 5 full days of antibiotics I feel better now, going home just to be able the sleep, the rest time you get in the hospital in non-existent. Nita came down and so did Sheila with Kelsey, Andy and Evie staying at the house. Andy did an awesome Job of super mom. He took care of Evie all weekend including Saturday night so Kelsey could stay all night with me when my fever spiked again. Nita stayed the first night, the trooper she always is. The rest of the time I was better enough to stay by myself at night. Thank God for Joe Gasse and the soup he brought by, the meals at the hospital are worse than prison food, I survived on What Libby, Nita and Kelsey smuggled in to me.
Glad to be home, have 4 days to get back in shape to go get my second FEC treatment. Let's all pray that this one goes better and that my immunities stary up enough for me to get out of the house. LOL.