Sunday, March 27, 2011

The IBC Discovery Story

So many of you have asked, What is IBC?  How did you discover you had it?  What are you doing about your IBC?

It is so great to have so many friends and family that care, but is it exhausting telling the "tale" so many times.  And it is depressing as hell.  LOL  Besides, I can't tell the short version, so here is the long version.

So here is how it all came about:  Around March 1st, 2011, I noticed about a 1/2 inch diameter spot on the upper part of my left breast.  Now, those of you that know me, I am a little bit well endowed and we can all be grateful that the spot was on the top of my breast (if it had been on the bottom, I might never have noticed it).  Anyway, I really just thought "well, you idiot, what have you run into now" to make your boobie red.  Going on my merry way a few days later, I noticed that my dear old Scottish-Irish skin was still red and that the spot seemed to have grown.  So I am now paying a little more attention thinking that during my process of life that I have somehow gotten bitten by a bug or spider or some such thing.  Two days later, I came home to discover the area is larger, hot and seems to have a texture underneath that is somewhat firm.

OK, so now I start to get worried, Libby calls her Dr. at Scott and White and she recommends that I talk to a DR. at MWC that has studied with her.  I call the next morning and get into the Midland Women's Clinic.  They were awesome, every doctor is booked for weeks, but they make me an immediate appointment to see one the the PAs, James Struble.  I walk in and meet James and Kenda (the best nurse in the world).  They are awesome and we begin our exam.  James asks that Dr. Locke come in to take a look.  To make the story a little shorter, they immediately schedule me for a new mammogram, sonogram and to have Dr. Durgin at Midland Surgical Associates have a look and do a biopsy.  James even goes so far to get on the phone himself to get me the "earliest appointment possible" for the mammo and sonogram.

By now, Libby is worried too.  We are starting to sweat that we will not know anything before the baby shower.  Kelsey and just about everyone else is in the dark.  The mammogram was a really painful bitch, I was in the process that day of having all new carpet laid in the house and forgot to take James advice about taking a pain pill before going, sonogram is also done same place and same day.  I go on March 11th to Midland Surgical Associates where I have an appoint with Dr. Durgin.  I do make him  understand, "that as long as you do not hurt me, then I will not have to hurt you" he says "my wife is a hitter too so I get it!"  Anyway we get the punch biopsy done on that Friday (by we, Libby is with me) and now we are waiting for pathology.  He says not to get too excited because the only cancer that manifests itself like this is rare, inflammatory breast cancer IBC, and it shouldn't really be a concern.  So, several days go by, no word and I am already antsy.  I call Midland Surgical Associates on Thursday March 17th, St. Patrick's day, leave a message that I want my pathology results.  A nurse calls me back about 1:30 pm, while I am eating green curry - in honor of St. Patrick's day, and just tells me I have malignant cancer cells in my breast.  Suddenly, my food does not taste so good anymore and I finish up and go directly to the MSA where I get a copy of my pathology report.  Wow, right there in plain old black and white it says, INFLAMMATORY BREAST CARCINOMA, and now I can't breath, think or see straight.  I call Libby, yes- it is the rare cancer the Dr. Durgin mentioned and we meet at my house.

Now we have already made plans to meet with my other fast friend, Carolyn Moreno, to work on the christening gown project for little grand baby Evie.  So we decide that it is finally time to try out the ginger liqueur I have been hording and we create the "LearJet Cocktail".  3/4 shot of Ginger Liqueur, 1 shot of vodka and 2 shots of peach nectar shaken in a cocktail mixer with ice, makes 2 short cocktails and they are smooth....  We order Outback and commence to have a girl's night like we have not done in awhile. (at one time I have  Libby, Carolyn, Ruby and me all piled on my bed trying out the new electric controls holding cocktail glasses. Dang it, why didn't I get a camera).  Anyway, it was very therapeutic.

Now comes Friday, March 18th.  As soon as it is decent, 8am, I call Mr. check, double check, confirm and reconfirm (Andy's dad, Dr. Seger).  I explain to Dr. Seger what is going on and that Libby had been on the phone late yesterday and has me an appointment at Scott and White in Temple on Monday.  I ask, "where would you take Christine in the same circumstances?" and he immediately answers M.D. Anderson in Houston. So we talk a little while and I explain that MSA called at 6pm the previous evening and a nurse has asked that I come in at noon today, Friday, to see Dr. Sawyer.  Dr. Seger says go do that and get back with him.  Now, I am nothing if not thorough, and I begin to poll others that I know have dealt directly with cancer.  I get the same answer everywhere, M.D. Anderson.  We are about 10 minutes away from my noon appt. and I call Dr. Seger back.  He has already done his research.  I tell him that I am seriously thinking that I should go to Houston, and he says "good, I have been on the phone with them, they have a clinic that does nothing but IBC and I highly recommend that this is where you should go, no doubts."  Now for those of you that do not know Mr. check, double check, confirm and reconfirm, those are mighty big words and I take them as the gospel.  Especially since we can tell from the pathology report that MSA had the results since Monday the 14th and did NOTHING. Now being pissed is a good thing, anger can carry me through the day.

I now walk into my appointment at Midland Surgical Associates to see Dr. Sawyer, with much more information and ready to ask questions.   I wish for Dr. Durgin, but he is on vacation and will not be back until next week.  Dr. Sawyer is an egotistical asshole and the whole nursing staff is a bunch of snobby bitches!  Dr. Sawyer even has the gall when I ask "Is a phone call the way your staff usually tells someone they have cancer?" to which he answers  "sure, sometimes".  He commences to give me an exam and assure me that "we have everything here in Midland to treat this type of cancer".  Now, you will all be proud that the man is not dead, in fact, I simply say, "I will be going to M. D. Anderson" and walk out.

Libby is with me and we leave and drive directly to Midland Women's clinic where Kenda (still the best nurse in the world) goes and gets Dr. Locke and even though it is nearing 4pm on Friday they get to work getting me referred to M. D. Anderson.

God Bless Midland Women's clinic, Dr. Locke, Kenda and James Stuble.  They may be instrumental in saving my life.

M.D. Anderson calls me on Monday, Kenda has already been doing her "thing".  We now have an appointment for 7am  Wednesday 3/22/11 less than three weeks after me "seeing a red spot".

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