Thursday, June 23, 2011

Week Ten and Eleven of Chemo

Well, guess we all know that the old body can only take so much, no matter how tough you think you are. After my tenth chemo treatment, I pretty much hit the wall.  My time horizontal increased two fold and what little time I could spend vertical was in a woozy state of dizzy vs. nauseous to the point of no more work.  I went in with Kelsey for Chemo treatment number 11 having to be pushed around in a wheel chair.  Not a great experience for me or Kelsey. LOL.  Probably the only person touch enough to stand up to the strain, Kelsey has been a life saver.  Saw Dr. Alvarez and he took me off chemo for a couple of weeks to let my body regather some strength.

The two weeks have been two of the toughest of my life.  No longer able to stay alone, Kelsey and Evie have been here day and night.  Having someone wait on you hand and foot has not been the fun it sounds like it might be, but seeing Evie smile and watching Kelsey with her is good medicine.

Not able to work, at all.  What a new experience for me?  I've never been as disconnected and it has had some moments of shock and awe.  The last couple of days have at least seen me get out of bed and out of the house for small moments.  I pay for them by going down for 4 hour naps where people come and go without me even being aware.  Weird feeling to know that you can zone out that hard.

Nita comes down tomorrow for the "change in rotation" for a few days and we are due back in Houston on June 27th.  We will see if they put me back on chemo treatments now or after the big testing scheduled the first week of July.


  1. You are easily the strongest woman I've known in my whole life. (And now that I am 41, that's saying a lot!). You can do this!

    ps...It's been ages, but I still think of you and K.L.A.S. often.

    Brie Gainer ~~ former receptionist @ Avatar
